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Best Practices for Bike Storage Facilities in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings

Best Practices for Bike Storage Facilities in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings

Multi-unit residences often have crowded or underutilized bicycle storage areas that hinder active transportation choices. Using market housing as well as faculty and staff housing on the University of British Columbia’s campus, this study is conducting a survey of residents as well as field studies to identify the current and latent demand for bicycle storage. […]
Environmental and operational analysis of a novel urban mobility service using human-electric hybrid vehicles

Environmental and operational analysis of a novel urban mobility service using human-electric hybrid vehicles

VeloMetro is a new urban mobility company dedicated to providing a practical and sustainable transportation alternative for a wide array of urban travelers. VeloMetro has designed a fully-enclosed electric-assist velomobile, and is introducing a vehicle sharing service, Veemo, using the new vehicles. Veemo is a truly novel system: the vehicles blend characteristics of bicycles and […]
Incorporating electric bicycles into urban transportation systems in British Columbia

Incorporating electric bicycles into urban transportation systems in British Columbia

Electric bicycles are emerging as an urban travel mode that blends some of the convenience of private automobiles with some of the emissions, congestion, travel cost, and physical activity benefits of traditional non-motorized bicycles. Promotion of electric bicycles could increase non-auto mode share, but relatively little is known about the potential for electric bicycles to […]
Incorporating pollution inhalation and energy expenditure into network analysis for active transportation

Incorporating pollution inhalation and energy expenditure into network analysis for active transportation

The objectives of this research are to investigate the effects of transportation networks on energy expenditure and pollution inhalation during active travel, including variations in travel speed and breathing rate, and to develop and apply multi-criteria route and network analysis tools that integrate pollution inhalation and energy expenditure with other travel costs (time, crash risk, noise, […]
Saki, Filippos, and Alex present at the ICTCT Workshop in Vancouver

Saki, Filippos, and Alex present at the ICTCT Workshop in Vancouver

Saki and Filippos at the ICTCT Extra Workshop in Vancouver, March 8-9, 2018
Thank you bike GPS study participants!
REACT Lab at TRB 2018

REACT Lab at TRB 2018

Alex and Amr presenting a REACT Lab paper at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC